

 作为Vista爱好者,我们已经初步了解了UAC的作用,利用权限配置,提权机制保护电脑在正常使用的状况下不受恶意应用程序的侵害,今天APC Magazine上一篇文章说:

  Vista's account protection: one click and it's gone


  在测试Vista的过程中不知道大家还记不记得一个人手必备的工具:TweakVista,它可以迅速关闭UAC(说回来也是微软的错,谁让UAC太烦,删除一个快捷方式要7次确认呢?).事实上这个工具仅仅用"on the fly"的方法修改了几个DWORD,所有系统,本地,组安全策略全部说拜拜了...

  为什么TweakVista会引起我们关注?因为这显示出了UAC实在太容易被关闭了,如果有一个恶意软件冒充正常软件,并来点诱饵比如“freeware game”,用户一点UAC通过,拿到管理权,OK, it was simply gone. End of story, goodbye.


  “If an application requires administrative privilege, such as Tweak Vista, a prompt is generated through User Access Control (UAC). If consent is given by the user, this then elevates the application to a higher (administrative) integrity level and allows privileged access to occur within the context of that application only. Note that for this to occur, the UAC prompt requires that a user must provide consent before the application will be allowed to run. UAC is only one component of the defence in depth security capabilities of Vista. It is the sum of all Vista's security capabilities - UAC, IE7, Firewall, Defender, MIC, SID and CI - that protect users from inadvertently oBTaining and then allowing malicious software to run. Microsoft recommends that users run with standard user privileges, and that they be very careful when running applications with administrative privileges.”

