
Janus File StrongBox 1.3.0

Janus File StrongBox(Janus文件保险箱)是一款文件保护软件,为您创建多个保险箱,可存入任何类型的文件如图片、视频或办公文件等,文件采用AES256加密存储,需要输入密码才能打开保险箱,能够有效的保护您的个人或商业秘密,防止泄密事件。
Janus File StrongBox, is a file encryption software and data leakage prevention software that offers protection for your important files, pictures and private data. File StrongBox creates encrypted storages named StrongBox, You can keep your private files in the Strongbox and protect it with a password.
Janus File StrongBox Key Features:
* AES-256 bit encryption (Military Grade);
* Multiple-Strongbox Support;
* Password Protection;
* Encrypted files Edit;
* Import or Export Strongbox;
* Drag and drop for files and folders;
* Temporary Files Shred/Wipe from disk;
* Data Leakage Prevention, Data Loss Prevention.


